Resume, etc.
Ah! So you wanted to know about my plays and such?
For goodness’ sake, why?
Well, anyway…I thank you. Tell you what: you can download a pdf of my resume by clicking these words.
Or, if you’d rather not download things, you can just read this brief bio:
I’ve been writing plays since 1997, when my short play “A Random Act†was produced by City Theater in Wilmington, Delaware. Since then, my plays have been produced in nearly every state (come on, Hawaii!) and 13 countries, and have been published by Playscripts, Original Works, Smith & Kraus, and United Artists. Full-length plays include The PornoZombies (published by Original Works), Pixie (debuted in New Mexico in March, 2009), Casarino Royale (debuted in Delaware in March, 2009) and Retreat, recently workshopped at Emerging Artists Theater. My musicals include Johnny Infamous (City Theater, Emerging Artists, Philly Fringe) and Rock and Roll Soup (Grand Opera House, Wilmington, DE). In 2006, I was honored with an Established Artist Fellowship by the Delaware Division of the Arts. I’m a proud member of the Dramatists Guild and Emerging Artists Theater.
I’m also a songwriter and non-aspiring singer. While I love recording and mixing my own music, I don’t really have any plans to perform. Every now and then, though, I’ll book a gig (usually with my good friend and outstanding singer/songwriter Brian Turner) and play a few songs for the good people.
So yeah! That’s me in a few words.